General Remarks

You're website is located on the coli-webserver: httpd. Before you can start changing your pages you have to login to the server via ssh:

 $ ssh

Please note that projects, courses and private web sites should be placed in appropriate directories as follows:

Directories for courses and project web pages can be requested for at Systems Group. Please do not put any courses or project pages in your private home page.

Pagetree System

If you are setting up a complex web site, you might be interested in using the pagetree system that we use for the global Coli website. This system will allow you to specify the structure of your website in a configuration file, and then compute a navbar for you automatically.

The pagetree system consists of three parts:

Setting up your web site


The pagetree.xml should have the following construct:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>                                                                            
 <pagetree docroot="/HOMEPAGE_DIRECTORY/" title="HOMEPAGE TITLE">
 <section title="SECTION TITLE">
     <entry id="FILENAME" title="ENTRY TITLE" />
  <section title="">

FILENAME is the name of the html file in contents without .html, i.e. "contact".

The entries and sections of a pagetree.xml file can have additional attributes that are read as flags (i.e. you write <entry id=etc. etc. flag="true" />). Some useful flags are:

The top-level "pagetree" element can also have attributes:


 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <pagetree docroot="/" title="Computational Linguistics and Phonetics">
  <section title="General">
    <entry id="whatis" title="What is...?"/>
    <entry id="coordinates" title="Coordinates"/>
  <section title="Research">
    <entry id="projects" title="Research Projects"/>
    <entry id="publications" url="/publications.php" title="Publications"/>
    <entry id="dissertations" url="<nowiki></nowiki>" title="Dissertation Series"/>
    <entry id="foo" hidden="true"/>