LST departmental mailing lists

The three most important mailing lists of our department are


will forward to all staff members (*-fr46 and XX-mit, see below)


will forward to all students (updated at the beginning of each semester)


will forward to staff and students (and also XX-shk and XX-ext, see below)

Group specific mailing lists

Lists of former FR 4.6

The following mailing lists are still valid:


Professoren FR 4.6


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter FR 4.6


Lehrbeauftragte FR4.6


Lehrkraefte fuer besondere Aufgaben FR4.6


Verwaltungs- und technisches Personal FR4.6

Lists of former FR 4.7

The following mailing lists are still valid:

For each group there exist four mailing lists/aliases, these are XX-mit, XX-shk, XX-ext and XX-all, where "XX" is either AK, BM, CS, HU, IS, IT, MC, MP or VD.


"Mitarbeiter", staff members and PhDs of group XX


"Studentische Hilfskraefte", hiwis and teaching/research assistants of group XX


"Externe", externals, guests and former members of group XX


Includes XX-mit and XX-shk but not XX-ext

Lecture mailing lists

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The entries should have the following format:

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If your mailinglist is moderated, then you have to approve every post. To do this, you can click on the approval link in the approval email of the post or you can go to the admin interface of your mailing list and click on "Tend to pending moderator requests". There you can find every post which is hold for approval. You can release them to the mailing list or discard them if it is an unwanted entry.

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