Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2013-09-02 11:26:05
Size: 2310
Editor: superuser
Revision 4 as of 2013-09-02 11:27:15
Size: 279
Editor: superuser
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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''NB. The ACLPUB package has been incorporated into the Start Conference Management software, for end-to-end processing of ACL Proceedings. ACLPUB software should not be used, starting from 2010.''

This is the aclpub package.
Please see the doc subdirectory for documentation.

'''This seems obsolete. We might decide to remove this page'''
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The aclpub package and documentation were built in 2005 by
Jason Eisner and Philipp Koehn, based in part on scripts by David
Yarowsky that had been used for several years previously.

Use the "cvs log" command to see what changes have been made since then.
Please feel free to make further improvements.

Anyone can check out the latest version anonymously as follows:
{{{cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub checkout aclpub}}}

Publication chairs and other interested users are expected to improve
the aclpub package for themselves and future users.

Simply modify your own checked-out copy of the package, and commit
those changes back into the CVS repository as appropriate.

To do this, you must obtain a username and password by emailing
Jason Eisner <jason at cs dot jhu dot edu>
and including "aclpub" in the subject line.

Then specify your password once via
{{{cvs -d :pserver:USERNAME@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub login}}}
This will record password information in ~/.cvspass.

Thereafter, you can run commands that interact with the repository via
{{{cvs -d :pserver:USERNAME@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub <command>}}}
where <command> is something like "checkout", "update", "commit", or "help".


If you want to simplify the above to
{{{cvs <command>}}}
then just set an environment variable in your shell startup file:
{{{export CVSROOT=:pserver:USERNAME@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub}}}
Alternatively, you could simplify to
{{{aclcvs <command>}}}
by defining a shell alias:
{{{alias aclcvs='cvs -d :pserver:eisner@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub'}}}

We would have preferred to use Subversion instead of CVS, but on many
systems only CVS is installed by default. We could switch over in future.

[[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=Instructions_on_how_to_access_the_repository|ACL: Instructions on how to access the repository]]

This seems obsolete. We might decide to remove this page

ACL: Instructions on how to access the repository

eacl: Instructions on how to access the repository (last edited 2013-09-02 11:27:15 by superuser)