needs editing

General Chair Duties

The General Chair is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the whole conference.

It is the General Chair's responsibility to appoint chairs and assign tasks to them. (This does not include the Program Chairs or Local Arrangements Chair, who are appointed by the EACL Board.) The chairs that must be appointed include: Tutorial Chair, Workshops Chair, Student Workshop Chair, Demo Chair, Exhibits Chair (REMOVE?), Publications Chair, Publicity Chair, and Sponsorship Chair.

In addition to appointing the chairs, he General Chair has the following responsibilities:

The conference is supposed to be self-financing (at least); it is one of the two major revenue sources for the ACL, and all profits belong to the ACL. Thus costs (to support invited speakers, conference giveaways freebies, proceedings printing, etc.) must be weighed carefully against potential income from grants and registrations.

Certain steps require approvasl by the ACL Exec or its members; see the ACL policy on Exec involvement. The General Chair must work with the Exec to provide the required information in a timely manner.

ACL: General (conference) chair duties

Stephen Clark. October, 2013